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Deconstructing Storytelling: Why Your Brand Story is Boring

In Best Practices, Marketing, Sales by Marita Peterson

It’s a problem plaguing companies all around the world: how to write a compelling brand story. There are articles upon articles about it, giving the same tips on how to make a story better, but they don’t really go into why they are making the suggestions they are. That’s where we come in. Let’s explore in Part 2 in our Deconstructing Storytelling series. Why do so many stories …

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Deconstructing Storytelling

In BDPros News, Marketing by Marita Peterson

Storytelling is one of the hottest business topics today, next to “data-driven decision making” and “machine learning.” The advice you find is pretty standard and there’s nothing wrong with “make it personal” and “make it emotionally compelling” – in fact, those are key aspects of effective storytelling. But as you look around blogs and LinkedIn, reading emotionally compelling brand story after emotionally compelling brand story, it starts to …

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Crack the Code on Business Development

In Best Practices by Marita Peterson

What we’ve learned at BDPros through over a decade of experience in process-based sales, marketing, and operations is that you can’t separate the three when it comes to B2B business development. We’ve tried the siloed approach, and it does okay – until it doesn’t. Getting the entire team – marketing, sales, and operations – to come together can be like herding cats sometimes, but luckily for you we’ve learned how to herd cats and we’re going to give you some of our secrets.

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5 Tips to Help You Set Meaningful Goals

In Best Practices by Marita Peterson

Setting goals can be tough and there is a lot of good (and not-so-good) advice out there, but it can still be confusing. It’s important to set SMART goals and important to set achievable goals, but how do you determine your goals? There’s no perfect formula, but there are some methods we use to make the decision-making process easier. 1) You should have more goals than …

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Benefits of Outsourcing Sales: Pipeline, Process, People

In Sales by Marita PetersonLeave a Comment

Why Outsource Sales? Sales is both complicated and simple at the same time. The goal: sell something. The method: an unlimited number of options. It can be overwhelming for a sales team to keep track of, let alone a single salesperson. What strategy do you choose, and why? Do you cold call or send emails? What systems do you use to keep track of everything? This …