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In BDPros News, Sales by Kelly Dahlke

The BDPros Co-Pilot Program optimizes your data collection process, ensuring that crucial information is accurately and promptly captured, leading to more reliable data for decision-making and improved pipeline results. Our comprehensive Co-Pilot Program focuses on: The BDPros Co-Pilot Program will significantly enhance your data collection efficiency, ensuring your pipeline is always up-to-date. Discover the BDPros difference: we have over 14 years of delivering positive results for …

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BDPros Trade Show Support

In Best Practices by Marshall Mueller

The Purpose Companies invest in the growth of their pipeline and revenue by creating large budgets for marketing initiatives and events, with a large portion of that spend oftentimes allocated towards trade shows – whether exhibiting or attending. Trade shows are widely considered one of the most useful channels to meet new business partners and clients, regardless of industry. These post-pandemic times have seen trade shows …

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SWOT Analysis: 3 Steps For Successful Strategic Planning

In Best Practices by Marshall Mueller

Strategic decision-making is not a talent or inherent skill. It’s a process that requires practice, expertise, and the participation of stakeholders. But how do we begin to address strategy when the world we do business in is chaotic and unpredictable? It’s critical that our decision-making accounts for these outside forces as well as the diverse expertise of subject matter experts. The SWOT analysis is one tool …

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How to Go from Meeting to Deal Closed

In Best Practices, Sales by Marita Peterson

There is an art to making the sale and closing deals. It’s part psychology, part problem-solving, and a ton of active listening skills. There are a few key things you can master that will help you close more deals and have more effective meetings. Establishing a good meeting process Understanding your prospect’s pain points (and how your offering solves them) Listening for buying signals and being …

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Deconstructing Storytelling: Why Your Brand Story is Boring

In Best Practices, Marketing, Sales by Marita Peterson

It’s a problem plaguing companies all around the world: how to write a compelling brand story. There are articles upon articles about it, giving the same tips on how to make a story better, but they don’t really go into why they are making the suggestions they are. That’s where we come in. Let’s explore in Part 2 in our Deconstructing Storytelling series. Why do so many stories …

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Deconstructing Storytelling

In BDPros News, Marketing by Marita Peterson

Storytelling is one of the hottest business topics today, next to “data-driven decision making” and “machine learning.” The advice you find is pretty standard and there’s nothing wrong with “make it personal” and “make it emotionally compelling” – in fact, those are key aspects of effective storytelling. But as you look around blogs and LinkedIn, reading emotionally compelling brand story after emotionally compelling brand story, it starts to …

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End of Month Roundup – February 2022!

In BDPros News by Marita Peterson

It’s one day closer to spring and we are ready for the warmer weather! So let’s wrap up February and look forward to what’s coming. The Past We’ve sent 17 eblasts – 4 for us, 13 for our clients. We’ve accompanied a client to a tradeshow and worked the floor to gather prospects for us to follow up on – we gathered 30 solid, qualified leads …

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Crack the Code on Business Development

In Best Practices by Marita Peterson

What we’ve learned at BDPros through over a decade of experience in process-based sales, marketing, and operations is that you can’t separate the three when it comes to B2B business development. We’ve tried the siloed approach, and it does okay – until it doesn’t. Getting the entire team – marketing, sales, and operations – to come together can be like herding cats sometimes, but luckily for you we’ve learned how to herd cats and we’re going to give you some of our secrets.