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In BDPros News, Sales by Kelly Dahlke

The BDPros Co-Pilot Program optimizes your data collection process, ensuring that crucial information is accurately and promptly captured, leading to more reliable data for decision-making and improved pipeline results. Our comprehensive Co-Pilot Program focuses on: The BDPros Co-Pilot Program will significantly enhance your data collection efficiency, ensuring your pipeline is always up-to-date. Discover the BDPros difference: we have over 14 years of delivering positive results for …

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How to Go from Meeting to Deal Closed

In Best Practices, Sales by Marita Peterson

There is an art to making the sale and closing deals. It’s part psychology, part problem-solving, and a ton of active listening skills. There are a few key things you can master that will help you close more deals and have more effective meetings. Establishing a good meeting process Understanding your prospect’s pain points (and how your offering solves them) Listening for buying signals and being …

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Deconstructing Storytelling: Why Your Brand Story is Boring

In Best Practices, Marketing, Sales by Marita Peterson

It’s a problem plaguing companies all around the world: how to write a compelling brand story. There are articles upon articles about it, giving the same tips on how to make a story better, but they don’t really go into why they are making the suggestions they are. That’s where we come in. Let’s explore in Part 2 in our Deconstructing Storytelling series. Why do so many stories …

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Your Sales Plan is Your Roadmap

In Best Practices, Sales by Marita Peterson

So you’ve put together your sales plan in December or January – time to get selling, right? Gotta hit those KPIs! But how often do you consult that sales plan? When do you reflect and review? When do you make edits? We set our goals and do our best, and hopefully – if we’re good at what we do and we’re lucky – we hit those …

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Benefits of Outsourcing Sales: Pipeline, Process, People

In Sales by Marita PetersonLeave a Comment

Why Outsource Sales? Sales is both complicated and simple at the same time. The goal: sell something. The method: an unlimited number of options. It can be overwhelming for a sales team to keep track of, let alone a single salesperson. What strategy do you choose, and why? Do you cold call or send emails? What systems do you use to keep track of everything? This …